Inpatient Superbill Version 3
A superbill (also known as an encounter form) is an itemized statement which details out the charges from a hospital visit.
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The superbill includes service and product codes, as well as diagnosis codes, and the health insurance company information.
The Inpatient Superbill Version 3 mobile app allows hospitals, physicians and nurses to complete a Medical Superbill using a smartphone or tablet. This app is specific to inpatients and covers physician inpatient services, ultrasounds, respiratory services, obstetrics, VBAC’s, newborn and supplies.
This is a digital alternative to traditional medical billing paperwork. Whether you are a billing specialist or a nurse who needs to document the service you provided, the Inpatient Superbill Version 3 app will allow you to quickly create a detailed superbill with no hassle.
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“I’m not a tech guy and I was able to pick this thing up in probably an hour, and actually start to build apps. I’ve done them over lunch when I’ve gotten frustrated with a process that didn’t exist in our company. So for non tech people who’ve got a problem, the support here is awesome and I’d recommend it to anybody, not just in our industry.”