Salon Self Inspection
Form Template
Worried about the state inspector coming into your salon?
5,000 Companies save time and money with GoCanvas
Even if you’re doing everything by the book, there’s always that chance that the day the inspector comes in will be the day you didn’t put the disinfected implements directly into their properly marked container. But help yourself and your salon reduce the number of violations by making sure you’re always up to standard. The Salon Self Inspection mobile app was designed to help make sure salon personnel are always prepared. You can check with your state board to see if they have something like this. And if they don’t, tailor the app to fit the requirements of your state. A GoCanvas template is a copy of a GoCanvas mobile app that does not transmit down to a mobile device.
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“I’m not a tech guy and I was able to pick this thing up in probably an hour, and actually start to build apps. I’ve done them over lunch when I’ve gotten frustrated with a process that didn’t exist in our company. So for non tech people who’ve got a problem, the support here is awesome and I’d recommend it to anybody, not just in our industry.”