Healthcare Surge: Policy for Workforce Resilience During Disaster
The Healthcare Surge: Policy for Workforce Resilience During Disaster mobile app offers guidelines for dealing with needs and training to optimize workforce resilience in the event of a disaster.
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It provides minimum standards for facilities to incorporate into current workforce resiliency policies. The term "worker" is used to refer to facility personnel during a time of healthcare surge, which could consist of paid employees or volunteers. Review and understand policy for guidance on how to prepare for maximizing employee personal resilience and professional performance during a healthcare surge. The GoCanvas API is primarily meant to allow GoCanvas customers to pull down submitted information, in addition, some limited data can be pushed into the GoCanvas system for use by mobile clients.
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“I’m not a tech guy and I was able to pick this thing up in probably an hour, and actually start to build apps. I’ve done them over lunch when I’ve gotten frustrated with a process that didn’t exist in our company. So for non tech people who’ve got a problem, the support here is awesome and I’d recommend it to anybody, not just in our industry.”