Legionella: Monthly Check of Hot/Cold Water Temperatures in Guestrooms
The Legionella: Monthly Check of Hot/Cold Water Temperatures in Guestrooms mobile app will be useful to all those concerned with Legionella and health, including environmental and public health officers, health-care workers, the travel industry, researchers and special interest groups.
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Ensure that the temperature of the hot and cold-water taps and showers in all guest rooms in the hotel is checked once a year, by spreading the total number of guest rooms over the 12 months of the year. Check a range of taps and showers, including some that are close to, and some far from, the hot water storage system and the water tanks, and some that are on different floors. Inspect the shower heads and the filters on the taps, so they can be cleaned where necessary. GoCanvas allows you to specify whether your want a 12 or 24 hour time format.
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“I’m not a tech guy and I was able to pick this thing up in probably an hour, and actually start to build apps. I’ve done them over lunch when I’ve gotten frustrated with a process that didn’t exist in our company. So for non tech people who’ve got a problem, the support here is awesome and I’d recommend it to anybody, not just in our industry.”