Fireplaces Bid Document
The Fireplaces Bid Document app is an app that can be used for fireplace installation bids and those providing a free quote or free estimate on a fireplace installation.
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This form can be used for contractors installing a wood-burning fireplace, a gas fireplace, an outdoor fireplace, an electric fireplace, or any other type of fireplace. Whether a gas or wood fireplace, the installation of a fireplace involves building and installing a chimney, using brick or masonry for building the fireplace, installing a flue and flue liner. Having a fireplace installed properly is of paramount importance, and using this form to rapidly submit a bid can help a contractor have a professional bid rapidly in place to outpace the competition. In addition to fireplaces, this can be used for wood stoves (i.e., pellet wood burning stoves), or repairs for fireplaces, chimneys, or flues.
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