Soil Report
The Soil Report app is a useful tool for providing information gleaned from an analysis of soil.
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The app notes the job name, the date, who submitted the report, and a broad range of useful information about soil including the sample depth, the total exchange capacity, the soil pH, the amount of organic matter present in the soil, and more. Specifically, the app allows for a comparison of samples from different locations, focusing on the content of anions such as sulfur and phosphorus, the presence of exchangeable cations such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium, the base saturation of different elements, and the presence of trace elements such as boron, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, and aluminum. This app can be used to compare results from one soil test to another, ultimately making the soil testing process more valuable as a soil sample from one site may differ from a soil sample from a nearby test site. Understanding the nutrients, organic matter, and other components of a soil profile help to allow farmers or agricultural organizations to obtain fertilizer recommendations or soil conditioner recommendations to optimize plant growth, optimize water-holding capacity and minimize soil pollution.
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