Texas Industrial Hazardous Waste Focused Investigation For LQG Container Storage Area Checklist
For waste management companies that have LQG (Large Quantity Generator) storage containers and storage areas, it is imperative to implement an effective waste management program to handle hazardous waste from these products.
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When dealing with hazardous materials that may be found in LQG containers, facilities must abide by requirements set forth by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality such as having proper waste containers, accumulation areas, a dedicated storage area, regular or weekly inspections, secondary containment systems, satellite accumulation options, contingency plans, and more. The Texas Industrial Hazardous Waste Focused Investigation For LQG Container Storage Area Checklist app provides a checklist to ensure that facilities are properly handling hazardous materials from Large Quantity Generators. Checklist items include: Did the generator exceed the accumulation time limitation? Are containers in good condition? Is each container clearly labeled or marked "Hazardous Waste"? Are containers kept closed except when adding or removing waste? Is aisle space maintained to allow unobstructed movement of personnel and emergency response equipment? Other questions can help an effective disposal facility process this waste product. Inspectors and waste management facility managers can use the checklist app to answer questions, note citations, and provide feedback.
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