Blocked Roadway Traffic Control Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA)
The Blocked Roadway Traffic Control Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA) app is a critical component to occupational safety when dealing with road work or construction sites that require a blocked roadway.
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When changing traffic patterns or traffic flows, it is important that accidents be minimized. When workers are in close proximity to a roadway that may be blocked off, they are subject to a range of hazards such as vehicles swerving off of a road or street and striking workers, or pedestrians stepping into traffic. Using this app, ideally, before the commencement of any work requiring a roadway to be blocked, the user can identify particular hazards, and control measures to mitigate those hazards. For example, the app user can develop a traffic flow plan to ensure emergency vehicles have unfettered access. Traffic cones can be used to redirect vehicle traffic or pedestrians, the speed limit can be reduced to lower the risk of dangerous or fatal accidents, and law enforcement officer can be contacted to help direct traffic or enforce lower speed limits. This app should be used as a part of an occupational safety/road safety program.
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