Wastewater Unit Process Inspection: Composting

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There are a number of methods used to handle the treatment of sewer water solids and raw materials including anaerobic digestion, aerobic digestion, application to farmland and compost.

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Composting is the process of recycling organic biological product for another use. This can apply to sludge that is the result of treating wastewater. The Wastewater Inspection Unit Process Composting app should be used by a water treatment facility when testing their composting and recycling operations. The app will focus on the type of process used, what kind of reactor is used, conditions of operations, temperature requirements, odors, improper mixing of sludge, moisture content, maintenance concerns and other general observation about operations. By recycling and composting the organic materials from the sewage treatment facility, the compost product can be used as a fertilizer for soil, providing nutrients for farms, and giving the organic biosolids and other materials from the water treatment facility a second life.

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