Safety Inspection Checklist : Scaffold Safety
Are you concerned about health and safety regulations during a scaffolding inspection?
5,000 Companies save time and money with GoCanvas
There are a number of OSHA regulations which must be upheld and other details to be mindful of while on the work platform. Leave the paperwork behind and allow the safety inspection checklist on scaffold safety to guide any employee through the safety training and scaffolding safety process.
OSHA standards are there to protect against safety and health hazards, which can mean numerous details to monitor. This GoCanvas mobile app will ensure the user can easily upload their information, but also effectively inspect and analyze criteria for scaffold safety such as:
Is the scaffold on stable footing?
Is the scaffold level and plumb?
Have personnel been instructed in scaffold safety?
Don't let occupational health risks and fall protection concerns inhibit the job site progress on scaffold platforms. With the app details in your pocket, on your mobile device, keep the job moving forward on and off the work platform. Need more scaffolding apps? Try this scaffold weekly safety inspection form.
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