What are the Main Stages and Processes of Incident Reporting?

What are the Main Stages and Processes of Incident Reporting?


Incident reports are effective tools to promote safety in the workplace. You want to do everything in your power to fill out your incident reports as professionally and effectively as possible. We have compiled a thorough list of the main incident reporting stages so you can ensure you’re taking every step to foster a culture of safety in the workplace. Here are the main stages and processes to consider for incident reporting: 

You should begin the process of incident reporting as soon as an incident or near-miss occurs. Your initial responses should include administering any medical aid that’s necessary, containing spills, and calling the authorities if needed.

You should also contact your company leadership team so they’re aware of the situation and can begin reporting protocols right away. Your leadership team will ensure other team members have left the danger zone and are out of harm’s way.

You can then begin formal documentation once you’ve secured everyone’s safety and notified supervisors. 

You will need to start your incident reporting by getting formal and accurate documentation immediately after the event has occurred.

You will first want to make sure that your teams have shut down any equipment and that any hazards or spills have been contained. As soon as it’s safe to do so, you will need to preserve the scene of the incident and begin recording the details of the event by taking photographs and videos of the scene.

You will want to begin your documentation before equipment or other materials have been moved for clean-up purposes so that you are getting an accurate picture of the scene. In some instances, you may also want to use tape or cones to prevent team members from compromising the scene before you have had a chance to fully document the incident. 

It’s critical that you record as many details as possible so the investigative team can have the most complete picture of what happened and what led to the event. Here are a few important details that you will want to include when surveying the scene:

  1. Equipment involved in the incident
  2. Cleanliness of the area as well as obvious hazards, such as spills
  3. Weather conditions 
  4. Lighting and noise
  5. The presence or lack of safety guards and safety equipment
  6. General location, date, and time of the incident

Gathering witness testimony is one of the most crucial components of incident reporting and interviewing witnesses in a timely manner will increase your chances of acquiring accurate details about the event. You can move toward collecting information from witnesses once you have finished documenting the scene of the event.

Contact the supervisor to get the names and contact information from anyone that was present and promptly begin interviewing the witnesses. You don’t want to delay these interviews because it’s possible that the memories of witnesses can become blurred with the passage of time – particularly in the case of a traumatic accident or near-miss.

To help you maximize your witness interviews, here are some helpful tips to consider:

  • When possible, conduct your interviews at the scene of the incident to help witnesses remember some of the more minute details of the incident. 
  • Assure witnesses that your job is to gather information and not to place blame. Emphasize that their honesty is crucial to the safety of the workplace and that incident reporting helps to prevent future accidents.
  • Allow witnesses time to think and retell the incident. Ask open-ended questions. 
  • Interview witnesses privately. This gives them the opportunity to recall their own memories of the event and not fall under the influence of another witness’s testimony. 

You should record all this information as thoroughly as possible. In addition to written notes, consider using an audio recorder or filming witness interviews so you don’t miss any crucial details.

It’s best to discuss interview methods with supervisors or leadership before you begin. After an incident, workers might be afraid of providing their testimony, so you will want to make sure they feel safe and supported throughout the process.

You should compile a formal incident report once you’ve gathered all of the pertinent information. OSHA requires workplaces to file incident reports on accidents, injuries, and even near-misses. The administration also provides helpful forms to ensure you record and submit your incident reports correctly. 

In certain cases, you will need to submit the report to the appropriate authorities once the report has been completed. For example, this would apply in instances where there’s been a fatality, a hazardous spill, or any other major event where there are statutory requirements for you to disclose this information to the proper authorities. 

After you file your incident report, you now must work to determine how and why the incident occurred in the first place. This process of investigating a workplace incident is often referred to as a root cause analysis.

You or your investigative team will need to conduct a root cause analysis to locate the gaps in your safety protocols and systems so that you can determine the “root causes” of an incident. OSHA provides a helpful guide for determining the root causes of an incident and this guide outlines helpful questions to ask when executing your investigation.

This guide can help you to consider the incident from multiple viewpoints and ensure you are performing a thorough examination of the incident. 

Once the investigation has been completed, you can start to take steps to prevent a similar incident from occurring again in the future. Your team can implement the corrective actions that are needed to cultivate a culture of workplace safety that’s in the best interest of the organization and its employees. 

The first place to start with your corrective action plan is to understand the safety and quality standards for your workplace. Once you have a solid grasp on these standards, you can begin to plan specific ways of preventing future harm and educating team members on how to practice workplace safety. 

For example, this could be anything from stressing the importance of wearing safety gear to dedicated training on safe equipment use. Your corrective action plans should be tailored to your specific workplace and the weaknesses that you uncovered in the incident investigation. 

Incident reports are an important part of creating a safe and productive workplace for all your team members. When you take the necessary steps to complete the incident reports, you’re enabling the company to take the appropriate corrective actions, and this will allow the company to be more prepared going forward. At the end of the day, it’s all about doing everything you can to foster a safer working environment for everyone.

About GoCanvas

GoCanvas® is on a mission to simplify inspections and maximize compliance. Our intuitive platform takes care of the administrative tasks, freeing our customers to focus on what truly matters – safeguarding their people, protecting their equipment, and delivering exceptional quality to their customers. 

Since 2008, thousands of companies have chosen GoCanvas as their go-to partner for seamless field operations.

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What are Safety Data Sheets (SDSs)?

What are Safety Data Sheets (SDSs)?

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The term SDS refers to a Safety Data Sheet that is used by chemical companies to stay in compliance with the regulations set by OSHA in the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS). Companies that manufacture, distribute, or import chemicals are required to provide Safety Data Sheets to inform workers of the hazardous materials they are handling.

The main purpose of a SDS is to provide companies with a standard template they can use for communicating critical information about their hazardous materials for the safety interests of their workers. 

In 2012, OSHA updated the HCS to be aligned with the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS). It’s important to point out that Safety Data Sheets are part of the legislative process at OSHA, meaning that they can change over time and new amendments can be enacted by the administration. 

The changes that occurred in 2012 were enacted in part to reduce trade barriers globally for American companies and to provide consistent standards for communicating and classifying hazardous chemicals. As part of these changes, the long-used material data sheets (MSDS) also became obsolete, and companies were forced to move to the new 16-section SDS format to stay in compliance and avoid any applicable fines. 

OSHA structures the Safety Data Sheets into 16 sections so that all companies have a standard template to keep things consistent. Each of the sections has a distinct purpose for classifying hazards and below we have included a high-level summary provided by OSHA’s website of what’s included in each section of the Safety Data Sheets.

OSHA states that “Sections 1 through 8 contain general information about the chemical, identification, hazards, composition, safe handling practices, and emergency control measures (e.g., fire fighting). This information should be helpful to those that need to get the information quickly.” 

  • Section 1: Identification
  • Section 2: Hazard(s) Identification
  • Section 3: Composition/Information on Ingredients
  • Section 4: First-Aid Measures
  • Section 5: Fire-Fighting Measures
  • Section 6: Accidental Release Measures
  • Section 7: Handling and Storage
  • Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection

OSHA states that “Sections 9 through 11 and 16 contain other technical and scientific information, such as physical and chemical properties, stability and reactivity information, toxicological information, exposure control information, and other information including the date of preparation or last revision. The SDS must also state that no applicable information was found when the preparer does not find relevant information for any required element.”

  • Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties
  • Section 10: Stability and Reactivity
  • Section 11: Toxicological Information
  • Section 12: Ecological Information (non-mandatory)
  • Section 13: Disposal Considerations (non-mandatory)
  • Section 14: Transport Information (non-mandatory)
  • Section 15: Regulatory Information (non-mandatory)
  • Section 16: Other Information

As we mentioned earlier in this article, the 2012 changes to the SDS format were designed to bring more consistency between the SDS format and the globally recognized GHS standards. That’s why sections 12 through 15 are now included in the template and marked as non-mandatory.

It’s important to note that OSHA “will not enforce the content of these sections because they concern matters handled by other agencies.” While these sections are not mandatory to be in compliance with OSHA standards, it makes sense to use these sections if your company works internationally and also needs to comply with the GHS.

As more companies invest in digital transformation initiatives, it means that companies are moving towards housing much of their critical information in secure, cloud-based platforms. When it comes to SDSs, OSHA indicates that safety data sheets can absolutely be stored as digital documents. OSHA just requires that these SDSs are easily accessible for all employees who need to understand the hazardous chemicals that are being used for their job site. 

Another best practice can be to assign a person or team to manage the SDSs and make sure that they are always accessible and up to date. Having these documents stored digitally and made available through a mobile application will help your team manage the documents and ensure that your workers know where to find the latest version of the SDS. 

In the rare case of a power outage or emergency situation, it makes sense to have a hard copy of your SDS available for workers. But otherwise in today’s digitally connected world, it’s going to make sense to have digital copies available for your SDSs that can be readily accessible in a secure mobile device on-site.

Toolbox talks are a great way to educate your workers on best practices in the workplace by sharing everything they need to know on staying compliant with regulations for jobs and projects. You can use these daily safety meetings as an opportunity to review the SDSs, covering how to find them and how to interpret the information that is provided, making sure to highlight the potential risks involved with chemicals on site. 

Your leadership team may also want to consider implementing a safety management solution to help manage compliance with OSHA and to ensure your employees have access to the latest data sheets.

By moving these processes online, it will also allow you to analyze which employees and job sites have actually completed the training programs, so you can identify and address any potential issues before they result in an accident or fines.  

If you are looking for free SDSs sheets, you may be interested in the GoCanvas app store where we have built out safety data sheet examples and templates that you can use as a starting point.

Companies that deal with potentially hazardous materials are starting to implement chemical management programs and mobile applications have proven to be effective for tracking and managing these programs. 

Our safety data sheet templates can be used to contain a range of information about chemicals and materials being handled. They are meant to communicate to the reader any protective equipment needed when handling the chemicals or materials, hazard communications such as signage or pictograms, information about hazardous substances that may make up component materials or ingredients of the subject of the SDS, and how to handle spills or exposure to hazardous material.

Construction companies that move to GoCanvas have found that it helps them track and report on their safety programs in real-time, giving them a better place to manage their SDSs and helping to improve the health and safety initiatives at their workplaces.

About GoCanvas

GoCanvas® is on a mission to simplify inspections and maximize compliance. Our intuitive platform takes care of the administrative tasks, freeing our customers to focus on what truly matters – safeguarding their people, protecting their equipment, and delivering exceptional quality to their customers. 

Since 2008, thousands of companies have chosen GoCanvas as their go-to partner for seamless field operations.

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What are the Safety Road Blocks for Oil and Gas? (Infographic)

What are the Safety Road Blocks for Oil and Gas? (Infographic)

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The oil and gas industry is a crucial, but risky industry. While the industry has gotten much safer over the years, a recent study by Draeger reveals major gaps we can fix. 

Want to learn more about how mobile technology and data can be used in the oil and gas industry?

Take a look at our new eBook, 4 Ways Big Data is Transforming Oil and Gas.

In it, you’ll learn:

  • How to predict when equipment will fail, and how best to structure your maintenance schedule
  • How data collection can help keep track of complex environmental regulations
  • How to enable quicker decision-making to improve worker safety and health

About GoCanvas

GoCanvas® is on a mission to simplify inspections and maximize compliance. Our intuitive platform takes care of the administrative tasks, freeing our customers to focus on what truly matters – safeguarding their people, protecting their equipment, and delivering exceptional quality to their customers. 

Since 2008, thousands of companies have chosen GoCanvas as their go-to partner for seamless field operations.

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7 Best Oil and Gas Safety Apps

7 Best Oil and Gas Safety Apps

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The oil and gas industry is among the most dangerous industries for workers, with a fatality rate seven times higher than any other U.S. industry. Safety management in the oil and gas industry is a crucial part of operations and one in which every detail matters.

Working in this industry, in safety management or not, requires all individuals to be diligent and knowledgeable about the different safety risks associated with this field of work. Although it can be repetitive, thorough safety training is very important; management wants to know that crew members are complying to their safety training while on site. Stakeholders understand that occupational safety and staying environmentally compliant is not just the right thing to do, but also better for oil and gas businesses in the long run.

One of the best ways to improve oil and gas safety processes is through better data capture and standardization of processes on site.  Capturing data electronically through mobile apps (instead of on paper) gives management real-time business insights to ensure protocols are being met and ensures problems can be resolved quickly if not avoided entirely.

Here are several must-have oil and gas safety apps to track job site safety!

1. Rig Inspection Checklist

The Rig Inspection Checklist app helps ensure the operational integrity of your land rigs. By performing inspections in real time you can ensure your team is always in compliance with the latest regulations. This mobile inspection form lets you conduct drilling rig inspections on: personnel certifications, rig site accommodations, Gensets and engines, SCR room, accumulator, mud pumps, mud tanks and more. Since this Rig Inspection Checklist App is editable you can extend it to include workover rig inspections, drilling inspections, and equipment checklists.

2. Oil and Gas Drilling Safety Checklist

The Oil and Gas Drilling Safety Checklist App helps improve safety operations and performance. This app can be used for anyone is the oil and gas industry looking to improve safety measures and can be used even by those who are dedicated to the occupational health and safety of the job site. This app can be used not just to ensure industry compliance but can be used to entirely prevent worksite injuries for employees. Update this app template to include other particular topics including but not limited to site safety checklists and toolbox talks.

3. Daily Self Inspections

The Daily Self Inspection App helps ensure employees are taking the appropriate precautions when starting their day. In this app employees will be prompted to run through a variety of checklists related to accident prevention, DOT safety audits, hazardous conditions, PPE for employees and more. Once the form is completed the submission will automatically save for your records in accordance with OSHA and MSHA record keeping standards. With features such as required fields, photo capture, and offline capabilities management can ensure that workers have the right personal protective equipment on hand and that hazardous locations are secured before work begins each day.

4. Confined Space Hazards Assessment

The Confined Space Hazards Assessment App is used for pre-work audits to ensure site and environmental safety. Employees will be prompted to inspect atmospheric hazards, work-related hazards, confined space hazards, and human factors. As a supervisor of employees, define entry procedures for potential hazards for health and safety, such as ventilation leading to oxygen deficiency, engulfment hazards, atmospheric hazards, and physical hazards. As with all GoCanvas apps you can add or remove whatever you and your team find important.

5. MSHA Inspections or OSHA Inspections

Whether your business must comply with OSHA or MSHA regulations GoCanvas has hundreds of apps specific to these regulatory bodies. Every oil and gas business needs to ensure that their workplace is up to industry safety standards. These apps help make sure every safety form is not just accurate but also always accessible. Regular use of these inspection checklists can help reduce workplace injuries and keep the work area safe. These apps help both the employees and employers reduce the risk of injury and illnesses.

6. Emergency Response Plan

Proactive risk prevention is essential within the oil and gas industry. The Emergency Response Plan App helps management mitigate the impact of problems if in the off chance they do occur. To help your team feel comfortable with emergency readiness and preparation this app will help guide them through how management expects them to prepare. This app was created specifically for underground coal mine safety, but can be edited to fit whatever environment your team works in. As supervisors and safety professionals, identify where corrective actions are needed according to regulations and requirements as part of OSHA compliance.

7. Job Safety Analysis (Health and Safety Plan)

The Job Safety Analysis App helps staff identify project hazards and specify engineering and administrative controls and personal protective equipment necessary to mitigate the risks associated with these hazards. As new hazards are reported a JSA or JHA must be conducted to stay compliant with industry regulations. This app makes it so staff can submit these reports from their mobile device and assists in emergency response planning of the specific project.

Where does GoCanvas help in improving your oil and gas safety? GoCanvas offers each of these apps as templates that you can customize yourself…or we can help you do it! This automates the way information is captured in the field and makes it easy to deploy these apps through a single platform where data is stored centrally, users can easily be managed and results can be visualized in real-time.

Although increasingly more programs and products are created to promote employee safety, the effectiveness of these tools must be tracked and when it comes to safety the data needs to be real time so corrective action can be taken immediately. Automation is necessary to oversee inspections, performance, and maintain safety in oil and gas extraction with no lag time in communications. When situations arise in the field it is important to have tools in place to prevent and mitigate damage at a moment’s notice. Luckily, operators and contractors in the field can use mobile forms to monitor exposure of chemicals, metals, NORM, and more, then create programs to keep oil and natural gas drilling workers safe. Over 900+ mobile forms are available for the Mining, Quarry, Oil, Gas & Chemicals industry within the GoCanvas Application Store.

Want to learn more about how mobile technology and data can be used in the oil and gas industry?

Take a look at our new eBook, 4 Ways Big Data is Transforming Oil and Gas.

In it, you’ll learn:

  • How to predict when equipment will fail, and how best to structure your maintenance schedule
  • How data collection can help keep track of complex environmental regulations
  • How to enable quicker decision-making to improve worker safety and health

About GoCanvas

GoCanvas® is on a mission to simplify inspections and maximize compliance. Our intuitive platform takes care of the administrative tasks, freeing our customers to focus on what truly matters – safeguarding their people, protecting their equipment, and delivering exceptional quality to their customers. 

Since 2008, thousands of companies have chosen GoCanvas as their go-to partner for seamless field operations.

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Maintaining your Duty of Care under the UK Corporate Manslaughter Act

Maintaining your Duty of Care under the UK Corporate Manslaughter Act

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More than a quarter of all motor vehicle accidents involve a driver that is driving under the circumstances of their employment. Health and safety laws apply to work-related activities that occur on the road in the same way as they do in the workplace. The UKCorporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act holds companies and employers liable where serious failures in the management of health and safety have resulted in a fatality. Juries in such cases will consider how the work-related motor vehicle activities are managed – such as any systems or processes which are in place to help manage safety and how those were operated in practice.  Companies found guilty will be liable to unlimited fines and may have to publicly declare their conviction and financial penalty.

Companies have a legal duty to adequately inspect their vehicles and put in place suitable arrangements to manage health and safety. Vehicle inspections must ensure (among other concerns) that vehicles are fit for the purpose for which they are used, that vehicles are maintained in a safe and fit condition, and that drivers’ health, and possibly safety, is not being put at risk.

Vehicle inspections do not stop at ensuring that the vehicle itself is safe, however. For example, companies must ensure that the drivers themselves are safe. Inspections must ensure that drivers are competent and capable, that the drivers are properly trained, that drivers have clear safety instructions, that drivers are fit and healthy, and that as an employer, you understand your duties under health and safety laws when hiring contractors and subcontractors. Inspections must also cover the driver’s journey, covering issues like the thoroughness of route plans, whether work schedules are realistic, is enough time allotted to complete drives safely, and are weather conditions considered when planning journeys. There is an immense amount for companies to cover.

If one of your employees is killed while driving for work, and there is evidence that serious management failures resulted in a ‘gross breach of a relevant duty of care,’ your company could be at risk of being prosecuted under the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act. It is therefore essential for employers to diligently compile safety reports when doing inspections to avoid liability. The more an employer can document the inspections they do, the more efficient the inspections will be, the safer employees are, and the more protected the company is from costly litigation. However, risk assessment is about identifying and taking sensible measures to control the risks in your workplace, not about creating huge amounts of paperwork.

The best way for employers to diligently document inspections while avoiding copious amounts of paperwork is to invest in an advanced mobile forms software. Such technology gives employers the best of both worlds. Companies can efficiently and flexibly keep track of and document vehicle inspections from multiple locations, and even on the go, and aggregate the data in real time. This way employers can keep excellent records, keeping their employees safe, and their company safe from censure, while reducing paperwork. Companies can then use the software to analyze the data they gather, fostering better practices by finding potential deficiencies in machinery and workforce.

Now you can easily modernize the way you are conducting and auditing truck inspections. Whether you are looking to improve your data handling processes or improve the safety of your truck operations, we hope you consider using GoCanvas as your data collection tool. Sign up for GoCanvas free and give our platform a try today!

About GoCanvas

GoCanvas® is on a mission to simplify inspections and maximize compliance. Our intuitive platform takes care of the administrative tasks, freeing our customers to focus on what truly matters – safeguarding their people, protecting their equipment, and delivering exceptional quality to their customers. 

Since 2008, thousands of companies have chosen GoCanvas as their go-to partner for seamless field operations.

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Fire Inspection Apps for iPad, iPhone, Android and Apple Mobile Devices

Fire Inspection Apps for iPad, iPhone, Android and Apple Mobile Devices

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Fire inspection apps for iPads, iPhones, Android, and Apple mobile devices are powerful tools to help streamline any business doing safety and routine inspections ranging from simple fire extinguishers and alarms to robust fire protection systems. Fire alarm inspection apps, fire extinguisher inspection apps, fire safety inspection apps and more are all common uses of the GoCanvas platform. The major benefits of these apps include:

Time savings – With fire inspection apps, you can insert pictures, notes and signatures at the time of inspection. This saves fire inspectors tons of time because GoCanvas will  generate the reports automatically instead of taking time later manually add photos to your reports and forms and manually send them out to customers.

Improved data accuracy – With paper fire inspection forms, data can often be inaccurate do to a variety of factors, such as skipped fields, illegible data or doing calculations incorrectly. Or worse, the form gets lost and someone has to redo the inspection. With GoCanvas, you can set up your inspection forms so that certain fields are required and can’t be skipped. And since you aren’t dealing with paper, your reports can be instantly shared back to the office when they’re complete.

Since the very beginning here at GoCanvas, fire inspectors have consistently come to us for fire inspection apps and fire system installation apps. They also use GoCanvas for fire inspection app, service ticket apps, checklist apps and more.

GoCanvas allows them to replace every paper form in their clipboard with a mobile form on their iPad, iPhone, Android, or Apple device. They simply pull out their device, launch GoCanvas, and select the particular GoCanvas app they need to fill out.  The data is placed into a PDF document that can be emailed directly to customers and colleagues who need the data. The completed forms are stored on the GoCanvas servers and are accessible anytime via our website.

GoCanvas apps can be customized online using our powerful app builder. You can edit apps found in our application store or build your own from scratch. You can build fire inspection, sprinkler systems and fire safety apps that match the paper forms you’re using today and include some of the great features that paper just can’t match!

Time-Saving Features

GoCanvas apps can be customized online using our powerful app builder. You can edit apps found in our application store or build your own from scratch. You can build fire inspection and fire safety apps that match the paper forms you’re using today and include some of the great features that paper just can’t match!

Signature Capture – Signature capture apps are also popular here at GoCanvas. Signature capture on iPads, iPhones, Android, and Apple devices is done easily with GoCanvas.  Employees or customers can sign right on the screen with their fingers or a styllus.

Insert Pictures/Images – Taking pictures and inserting them into your documents is also very popular. There is nothing worse than spending hours pulling images off of your mobile device or digital camera and then inserting them into a Word document.  GoCanvas allows you to insert them right during the job at the time you capture them.

Barcode Scanning – Barcode apps are also something we see a lot of here at GoCanvas. You could place a barcode on all of the fire extinguishers in a building, for example. When you come to inspect it you just scan the barcode and all the data about that extinguisher auto-populates for the inspector (serial number, model, size, etc.).

GPS – You can ensure that your inspectors were actually on site when they complete their inspections. Your customers don’t want to think that your reports were filled out at the local fast food joint with fake data!

Dispatch – You can queue up jobs for your inspectors using our dispatch feature. Or you can dispatch jobs on a one-off basis as your customers call in needing service. Using a work order app or service ticket app you can fill in the jobsite information and customer contact information and the nature of the problem reported and you inspector or technician can fill in the rest and send it back to you.

Now you can easily modernize the way you are collecting data. Whether you are looking to improve your data handling processes or advance reporting, we hope you consider using GoCanvas as your data collection tool. Sign up for GoCanvas free and give our platform a try today!

Interested in learning more? Check out our eBook on The Power of Data: How to Turn Numbers into Business Insights. 

About GoCanvas

GoCanvas® is on a mission to simplify inspections and maximize compliance. Our intuitive platform takes care of the administrative tasks, freeing our customers to focus on what truly matters – safeguarding their people, protecting their equipment, and delivering exceptional quality to their customers. 

Since 2008, thousands of companies have chosen GoCanvas as their go-to partner for seamless field operations.

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Centurian Transport saves $100k every year with GoCanvas

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Image of two men in front of kegs on tablet.

Duotank Transforms Business Processes with GoCanvas

Duotank is a bag-in-tank alternative to the traditional keg beer system. The aseptic tank environment enables breweries to maintain the quality of their beer…

Image of Two Men and a Truck looking at tablet.

TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® used GoCanvas to increase data visibility & compliance

With a workforce that primarily works out in the field, many of the TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® locations found that paperwork was hindering…

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How to Be Prepared for Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) Inspections and Avoid Fines

How to Be Prepared for Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) Inspections and Avoid Fines

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Operating and managing commercial vehicles requires consistent maintenance check-ups for the safety of the driver and others on the road. Since businesses are becoming more focused on delivering goods directly to consumers, commercial drivers are logging more miles and are therefore more likely to experience an inspection check. The failure of an inspection can put a vehicle or a driver out of commission, hurting your business’s ability to operate. Being prepared for CMV inspections is essential for any business with commercial vehicles to operate efficiently.

Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) inspections are safety inspections for commercial vehicles administered by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), an entity within the U.S. Department of Transportation. There are four main types of CMV inspections: daily driver inspections, periodic/annual inspections, roadside inspections, and on-site compliance reviews. Each of these inspections target different areas that could create hazards for your employees or for third parties, but the target among each test is the same: ensuring safety. The inspections range from the precision with which a driver has filled out a pre- or post-trip assessment or the safety standards for loading and unloading, to the operating standards of every system on the vehicle – from coupling devices to windshield wipers.

In the event that your vehicle is in violation of any of the CMV standards, a three-step process is applied:

First, if there are actionable violations, such as operating the vehicle without a valid license or a headlight out, the carrier will receive a citation. The fine will depend on the jurisdiction of the law enforcement making the stop.

Second, if the vehicle is deemed to be unsafe to continue, it will be placed Out-of-Service, meaning it cannot continue to be operated until the items have been corrected.

Third, the data collected from the inspection will be input into the Safety Measurement System (SMS). All violations are recorded in the SMS and a company will be given a score based on the number and type of its violations.

If a company’s SMS score exceeds any of the predetermined thresholds in any category, the company will be subject to a variety of penalties, including targeted inspections, company investigations, civil penalties, and even an order to cease operations.

One of the best ways to prevent CMV violations and the resulting penalties is to review drivers’ logs and inspections and immediately address any concerns that are uncovered. For most companies that operate commercial motor vehicles, this can be difficult, however. Due to the nature of the business, it can be tough to quickly aggregate and analyze driver’s logs and inspection reports, and subsequently remedy problems, before a violation is committed. This problem only becomes more exaggerated the bigger a company is and the farther its services reach.

Companies that use commercial motor vehicles need the tools in place to ensure that their drivers are able to quickly and efficiently log concerns and problems so they can be quickly addressed. If a company expects to keep up with the demands of its business, the only way it is going to achieve this goal is through the use of an effectively customized mobile form software. Mobile form software allows drivers to log problems with their vehicles and make the reports immediately available to every branch of your company that needs that information to solve the problem.

Faster and more effective digital analysis makes it easier to detect patterns and problems in your machinery, and coordination among teams who can simultaneously access the same reports makes for a much safer, and more efficient operation. The benefits that come from being able to immediately communicate, aggregate, and analyze inspection reports is essential, not only for preventing CMV violations but also for providing a safe working environment for your drivers.

Now you can easily modernize the way you are conducting inspections. Whether you are looking to improve your data handling processes or improve the safety of your field operations, we hope you consider using GoCanvas as your data collection tool. Sign up for GoCanvas free and give our platform a try today!

Interested in learning more? Check out our ebook on 4 Ways Mobile Inspection Forms Can Keep Your Trucks on the Road! 

About GoCanvas

GoCanvas® is on a mission to simplify inspections and maximize compliance. Our intuitive platform takes care of the administrative tasks, freeing our customers to focus on what truly matters – safeguarding their people, protecting their equipment, and delivering exceptional quality to their customers. 

Since 2008, thousands of companies have chosen GoCanvas as their go-to partner for seamless field operations.

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Passing Roadside Inspections: 3 Tips for Success

Passing Roadside Inspections: 3 Tips for Success

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A large truck is involved in a fatal accident approximately every 2.5 hours. To keep your trucks and drivers out of those accidents and on the road, it’s vital that you comply with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) program, which is designed to help prevent commercial motor vehicle crashes, injuries, and fatalities.

The core element of CSA — the Safety Measurement System (SMS) — uses information from roadside inspections to measure a carrier’s safety performance. The higher the ranking, the more likely your business will be targeted for an intervention, which could range from a warning letter to an on-site investigation. And if that investigation finds that you’re not meeting safety regulations, your trucks could be taken off the road completely.

How can you make sure your trucks remain on the road and generating revenue? Part of keeping your company’s ranking as low as possible is making sure that all your vehicles pass roadside inspections with flying colors. Here’s how:

Use mobile apps to check, double check, and document all the basics like lights, mirrors, horns and more. Keep in mind that passing inspection is specific to the category of what is being transported. Instruct your drivers to pay special attention to their vehicle’s brakes, tires, and cargo security (as these are some of the leading causes of large truck crashes).

Crumpled and incomplete documents that a driver digs out of a messy glove compartment don’t leave a good impression on an inspector. A mobile inspection form gives your drivers access to inspection documents at their fingertips. If an inspector knows the paperwork is organized, he or she will have a better initial impression of your truck overall.

This may seem like common sense, but it’s not always common. The more cooperation the officer receives, the smoother things go. An officer doesn’t have to go through with a full inspection just because he or she pulls a driver over, but does have the right to cite the driver, the company, or both, so attitude pays. 

By making it easier for your drivers to pass roadside inspections, you’ll help them get back on the road faster — so you can continue generating revenue.

Want to learn more about meeting safety regulations, passing inspections, and keeping your fleet on the road? Download our new interactive eBook, “4 Ways Mobile Inspection Forms Can Keep Your Trucks on the Road.”

What’s in the interactive eBook?

  • What you need to know about CSA’s ranking systems
  • Tips for how to pass roadside inspections
  • Facts about the true cost of non-compliance
  • Types of CSA interventions and what triggers them 
  • Quizzes and facts on roadside inspections, safety rankings, and CSA interventions

About GoCanvas

GoCanvas® is on a mission to simplify inspections and maximize compliance. Our intuitive platform takes care of the administrative tasks, freeing our customers to focus on what truly matters – safeguarding their people, protecting their equipment, and delivering exceptional quality to their customers. 

Since 2008, thousands of companies have chosen GoCanvas as their go-to partner for seamless field operations.

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Ready for an OSHA Inspection? Tips to Avoid Violations and Fines

Ready for an OSHA Inspection? Tips to Avoid Violations and Fines

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Ready for an OSHA InspectionOwners of small- and medium-sized business find the prospect of having an Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) inspection scary, especially since the agency is now inspecting businesses from bakeries and liquor stores, to construction companies, tire stores, and performing arts companies.

OSHA doesn’t warn you before they send an inspector, so being prepared is the best way to stay clear of citations and fines — especially since fines increased almost 80% over the past year.

Here’s what to expect and how to prepare your company and staff for an inspection:

Know OSHA’s most-cited hazards — OSHA puts out an annual list of its top 10 most-frequently cited standards. Review it – and think of the areas you should focus on during your internal preparations as they apply to your industry.

Develop safety checklists — OSHA puts out a checklist to help you prepare, but consider it a guide. Inspectors routinely develop their own policies via a “General Duty” clause, and will cite your company for violations of regulations that aren’t written down.  Create your own safety inspection checklists specific to your business.

Put an OSHA inspection plan in place — Put a plan in place so that your employees know their roles and responsibilities on inspection day. Assign an inspection team and prepare them in advance with mock questions, and even surprise inspections.

Know what to do on inspection day — OSHA inspections are rarely announced in advance. Knowing what to do when the OSHA inspector actually arrives makes everything run more smoothly. Only offer the inspector documents that he or she specifically asks for, and if you can immediately correct something cited, you should do so.

No matter how well you prepare, OSHA might find something that you need to correct. But with the right preparation, you’ll be less likely to be cited for serious violations that bring large fines. Most importantly, you’ll have a strong system in place to keep your employees safe and free from workplace hazards.

Want more details on prepping your organization for the OSHA inspector? Download our new interactive eBook, 4 Steps to Prepare for OSHA Safety Inspections.

What’s in the interactive eBook?

  • OSHA’s inspection priorities and a full list of most-cited hazards.
  • Quizzes and facts on OSHA standards, inspection policies, and fines.
  • Tips on how to develop safety checklists unique to your business.
  • Facts on how to use mobile apps to create checklists to help with inspections.
  • Notes on what your staff should do on inspection day — and after.
How to Prepare for OSHA Safety Inspections

About GoCanvas

GoCanvas® is on a mission to simplify inspections and maximize compliance. Our intuitive platform takes care of the administrative tasks, freeing our customers to focus on what truly matters – safeguarding their people, protecting their equipment, and delivering exceptional quality to their customers. 

Since 2008, thousands of companies have chosen GoCanvas as their go-to partner for seamless field operations.

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